Extra capacitor shipped with my video card?
I bought a refubished X850XT from newegg, and for the past... 2 weeks its just been sitting on my desk. Today I took a gander at the contents of the box and noticed a capacitor was lying in the package. I checked to see if there were any obvious spots on the card that should be covered by a capacitor, but found none.
Is it possible that this refurbished card was sent with an extra capacitor in the box? Im waiting on the power cable needed to power the PCI-express card, so I cant even test the card. Im not sure If I should send the card back to Newegg or what.
Is it possible that this refurbished card was sent with an extra capacitor in the box? Im waiting on the power cable needed to power the PCI-express card, so I cant even test the card. Im not sure If I should send the card back to Newegg or what.
Yikes, definitely send it back.. even if it does work without it, you'll likely have some unstable voltages on the card as a result. I had an old TI4600 that dropped a cap in transit. I had used it for weeks before I even noticed. Card worked fine for the most part, but crashed a couple of times while gaming
And if you can't see any capacitor or any other look alike component missing.
I'll guess it's just some "left over" from the previous card, in the package.
*Had the same problem happen with a 9250 from powercolor.. powercolor wouldn't replace it because of physical damage*
I am positive that the cap is from this video card. I gave newegg a call (the number that pops up when you select carrier damage under RMA reason) and Im under the impression that I am going to recieve an email from Newegg now, with a pcking number or something. The customer service made it sound like UPS or Fedex will be comign to my door to pick it up, and Ill get a refund once they recieve the package.