Short-Media LAN Dates: Before Holidays or After?

We need to narrow this down.
Could you GENERALLY attend BEFORE the holidays or AFTER?
Try not to comment, leave the comments for the other thread, I just want to get an idea of the dates.
Could you GENERALLY attend BEFORE the holidays or AFTER?
Try not to comment, leave the comments for the other thread, I just want to get an idea of the dates.
Look at it this way: We could discuss this for months and never settle on a date. No matter what date we choose, some people are going to be excluded, it's inevitable. If we set a firm date, some people will be able to re-arrange their schedules if they really want to come.
So, there's a 95% chance we're aiming for Friday, January 9th, through Sunday the 11th, 2004.
Crap no comments.
Either works for me and prolly Norge as well. Nothing is happening...crap! GFs Bday is the 6th so I guess I will have to do that the weekend before.