Asrock939 dual sata2 poor 3smark 06 score

KometeKomete Member
edited February 2006 in Hardware
Ok so I've setteled my overclock to 2.8 and started now to tweak my system. Well one thing that is terrible right now is my 3dmark 06 score. I have an agp 6800nu and I'm only getting a score of 1217

On my last system I got over 2k and that was on a nf7s2.0 with a mobile barton at 2.5ghz. PLease wise asrock mobo guru's help me mold this board into being a good performer. I have the latest asrock drivers installed. I reinstalled my video card drivers. IS there a special way of installing that AGP driver? WHat am I missing here?


  • edited February 2006
    First you install the AGP driver, THEN you install the nVidia Forceware driver.

    What BIOS are you using and what settings?
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited February 2006
    TheSmJ wrote:
    First you install the AGP driver, THEN you install the nVidia Forceware driver.

    What BIOS are you using and what settings?

    Thats what I've done with the driver install. Lets see I unintsalled nvidia drivers reboot then installed uli's intergrated driver v2.13 as what was recomended. reboot and then installed nvidia drivers.

    Im useing ocwbeta 1.. the only one that'll get you the high Htt's
    fast write off
    agp aperture 256

    Everyting else is overclocked but all within parameters and is prime stable. Now FEAR plays fine. Better than it did on my nforce2 so I'm kinda baffeled at the low 06score. I'm thinking my problem may lie withing the pci to pci driver. I've tried to update it but windows won't let me intsall it from the cd nor the driver I downloaded.
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited February 2006
    Well my 3dmark 05 score looks almost right at 3325 but I think at defaults on my old system I got 3400+ at stock. Man I hate to format just because of 800 points in 06. 06 Seems to be the only problem unless I'm missing performance across the board. A format to find out if it fixes the probem :(
    What sux is I just pulled out all my floppy cables.. blasted!
  • edited February 2006
    OCWBeta2 isnt 274 locked either.

    Did you reinstall/repair install Windows after switching mobos?
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited February 2006
    No I did a format and new install. Well I ran some benchmarks and it's just 06 thats having the problems with a 200 point drop in 3d o5. But in 2001 I gained 1500 points. Fear is running better than my old system and I even was able to bring up my settings a bit. When the 7900gt's come out I'm going to buy one and go PCI so just to get stuff right with 3d marks 06 I'm not going to worry about it. It's gaming right and I'll get my 3dmarks 06 score when I go pci since pci doesn't seem to have any problems. I sent a good 5 hours trying to get 06... ahh screw it :) THe games run darn good!
  • edited February 2006
    +-200 points in 3DMark is neglegible anyways. If the games themselves are running better than before that's all that matters. :)
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