Which Athlon/Opteron for new rig?
Boston, MA Member
Hey guys. I know the this the one billionth thread on the subject, but I want a new rig, and waitng for AM2 isn't an option. I'm going to wait until the AM2 socket is worked out. I'm building a new AMD rig. Is there really a big difference between the Athlons and Opterons? I know the Opty 165 has 1.8Ghz clock speed and 1MB of cache and is more than the 3800+ at 2.0Ghz and 512k cache. I also looked at the Athlon X2 4400+ and the Opty 175. They both have 2.2Ghz clocks and 1MB of cache? Is there any reason to consider the more expensive Opty 175 over the 4400+?