The Origin of "Yu0 get teh F"
Since I've seen this phrase popping around, I thought that I'd explain it's origin to those of you who don't appreciate its hilarity. And also so I can become famous once the entire geek community picks it up along with "pwn" and "1337".
It started quite some time ago when prime and I were talking on IRC about typos, after I accidently typed "eshsh" instaead of "haha". I mentioned that I had gotten some points taken away in English for using "teh" and "evar" by accident. Afterwards, prime came out with this hilarious picture, and the phrase has stuck evar since.
Now you know....
The First Occurance of the Phrase (other than the chat room) was here:
It started quite some time ago when prime and I were talking on IRC about typos, after I accidently typed "eshsh" instaead of "haha". I mentioned that I had gotten some points taken away in English for using "teh" and "evar" by accident. Afterwards, prime came out with this hilarious picture, and the phrase has stuck evar since.
Now you know....
The First Occurance of the Phrase (other than the chat room) was here:
And who is this "brother" of mine?
He's talking of my brother, Thrax.
And those that went to the SM LAN can remember my kick ass sign on the top of my monitor