IE does not connect?! and more problems!!! URGENT HELP!!
everynow and then, aim, winamp, and other programs ask to dial up a connection. And it will not stop, even when i chage it to never dial a connection. Then when igo to IE, it brings the dial a connection thing up and it doens't work. I have a good dsl connection but it still does it. Help please!.. and alsy why does firefox make it so when i want to play something in windows media player, it doesn't work, ten i go to the netowrk properties and set everything to default, and it works, then it changes again. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE!! PLEASE HELP ME!
I'd also run a Spyware and Virus scan. There are lousy bugs out there which try to dial "900" numbers, etc, which could be messing with your network settings.