hi anyone here know where i can find/download comprehensive dreamweaver mx and flash mx tutorials?
I also need a good tutorial. As some of you may know, I've made a website (HERE) with Frontpage, and it isn't exactly professional looking. I made it for my dad's hotel (in Pittsburgh, PA) but he told me to make it so that anyone in Pittsburgh could advertise on it and I'd make money that way. So that's what I did, and as you can see it's pretty crappy (but hey! im only 14). So I'm looking for some Flash Web Site Creation Tutorials if any of you guys could help me out. I need some for someone who has NEVER used Flash to create ANYTHING. Also, the site I already created lasted pretty long and I still sort of like it, but I don't know how to submit it to Google. I submitted it in the Submit Website page on Google, but it still hasn't appeared (I even typed in the URL and it says NOT FOUND). I waqs wondering if anyone here knew how to submit and optimize it. If possible, maybe even in the first few pages?! Thanks guys.
I know no html, so dreamweaver is not my area. I started doing some flash mx stuff about a month or so ago and its pretty easy. If you find a good tutorial, you can get some pretty sweet stuff done. My friend showed me how to use flash, but I'll still check around for some tutorials.
there are good brazilian sites for web designers and web masters, kind of www.apostilando.com or www.imasters.com.br. I've got loads of tutorials like that. there you go. let me see your web site...who knows people from Brazil see it and pick your dads hotel to stay at !!
I found some really good video Flash tutorials at Gotoandlearn.com. It's very good, he talks you through the the project as he's doing it so you learn quickly