Computer randomly shuts down
Well, 3 computers down in my house in 2 days. IC_11 is looking around wondering what's going on (as am I)
To the problem - my backup/ETPC box (I'm typing on it now) is a K7S5A v3.1 with a Duron 1300. It ran all night last night folding, but now that I've moved it up to the entertainment cabinet (where it sits on top), it will run for 10 minutes or so and just turn off. No shutdown sequence, just turn off.
It did this when I first built it, but it stopped for a day and just started to happen again.
Is it maybe the powersupply? Or the mangling I did to the Duron when I tried to hard code a new multi into it? (I tried to cut and reconnect bridges to get a lower multi, but it had no effect)
To the problem - my backup/ETPC box (I'm typing on it now) is a K7S5A v3.1 with a Duron 1300. It ran all night last night folding, but now that I've moved it up to the entertainment cabinet (where it sits on top), it will run for 10 minutes or so and just turn off. No shutdown sequence, just turn off.
It did this when I first built it, but it stopped for a day and just started to happen again.
Is it maybe the powersupply? Or the mangling I did to the Duron when I tried to hard code a new multi into it? (I tried to cut and reconnect bridges to get a lower multi, but it had no effect)