Help Get airbornfight Folding!

airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
edited March 2006 in Folding@Home
lol..i dont think i could fulfil the team93, cause my mom is crazy with the mode, it has a "standby" switch that basically cuts the stream off. I hate the switch and hopefully i will buy a new modem soon that doesnt have a standby switch. and my mom seems to think that the computers will have a longer life if they are shut off, i told her its the starting up and down that does ruin them. otherwise id have my A64 2800 and p4 3.2ghz ht folding 24 hours a day.


  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2006
    If you can connect for a few minutes every couple of days you can Fold just fine. Once a WU is downloaded it can crunch away. When done, connect for a few minutes to send the finished work in and get a new one.

    You can even download WU's in batches and turn them all in at once at a later date. :)
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    I'll have to look into that, except my mom would turn off the p4 machine (hers) although i can keep my machine on.

    isnt there supposed to be a client coming that utilizes a gpu. if so that would really help my cause i have a 6800, then i could smoke the p4
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2006
    Nothing for a GPU (yet), but get the 5.04 console version, make sure you say "yes" to advanced options, then go for the "download work in batches" option. :fold:
  • airbornflghtairbornflght Houston, TX Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    hey i installed it before, and it ran as a application to speak, is there a way to run it as a service that is installed? ( i know wrong thread,)
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2006
    The console version will automatically install itself as a service. :cheers:
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