Monitor Exploded?/ Buying suggestions
I am a world of warcraft fanatic and my monitor litteraly went black and smoke came from the monitor.
Now I have my CRT monitor hooked up and looking for a new LCD for gaming.
Im looking around newegg for a new monitor for high gaming, I have my radeon 9800 video card.
What should I look for in a monitor?
heres one I found but I have a budget of around 200-350 dollars
I am a world of warcraft fanatic and my monitor litteraly went black and smoke came from the monitor.
Now I have my CRT monitor hooked up and looking for a new LCD for gaming.
Im looking around newegg for a new monitor for high gaming, I have my radeon 9800 video card.
What should I look for in a monitor?
heres one I found but I have a budget of around 200-350 dollars
I know my samsung has an 8ms response time, 800:1 contrast ratio, and a native res of 1280x1024, 17"
We've lost a lot of good men to WoW
I do my monitor shopping in person to see if it actually looks decent. You don't have to buy the monitor in-store but it helps to have at least seen the thing.
Like 16ms is better for gaming then 12 right?
16ms, 17", 450:1 now... 450:1 isnt that bad is it? would it be really blurry?
I hope I didnt screw up
I screwed up... im such a noob...
I hope to god I can return this for a warranty, I am a gamer not a typest
ohhh my stomach ... i feel ill
450:1 might be tolerable, YMMV. Like I said, I do most of my monitor shopping in person.
I have the monitors plugged into a Radeon 9800 pro
this one looks awesome
I haven't seen a bad panel posted in this thread yet.
This is what is making me upset, that I bought this monitor without any knowledge of what my needs were...
I just hope I can return it and get a refund, im not sure this monitor can handle my games... ugh why why did I have to be in such a rush
i really hate myself
It wasn't the cheapest but all my interaction with the PC is through the monitor. I think it is the most important part of the PC and not something that should be scrimped on if you're a gamer. I play a lot of CoD2 online and this monitor is superb.
Why do people want LCD's? The are slower, have lower resolution, poorer colors, and less contrast than CRTs. I am still buying used 21" and larger CRTs for a song and my eyes thank me.
16ms LCDs are as fast as CRTs to me. The mouse doesn't leave trails on my LCD any more than it does on any CRT I've owned. My 24" LCD is also a hell of a lot lighter than my 21" CRT and takes up much, much less desk space. I used to be a LCD naysayer too but last year the technology matured enough to supersede CRTs. The resolution is poorer but keep in mind most people don't run their CRTs that high. I regularly see 17" and 19" CRTs running 1024x768. I ran my 21" at 2048x1536 so stepping back to 1920x1200 was somewhat painful but I don't regret it.
That said, I'm using a Samsung 740B (17'') and I love it. The only regret that I have about it is that I didn't spring for the 940B (19'') at the time.
Its under your price range. :thumbup
In terms of quality for gaming,
I bought a 19" 16ms (which I regret getting) 450:1 and the font colors seem a bit... washed out and kinda hard to read.
Im running it on radeon 9800
will a dvi cable improve sharpness?
I bought both at Sam's Club and I payed less than $300 out the door for the 913T. I much prefer buying my monitors at a store where I can walk in and return it if I get home and find dead or stuck pixels, but that is just me.