Getting ready for tomorrow's delivery.

edited June 2003 in Hardware
Well, I started getting my A7N8X ready for tomorrow's Fedex delivery, which will have my XP2500 from Newegg. I just flashed my bios to the 1004 uber bios and so far, no problems with it. I'm about to play with the fsb speed with my 2100 that's presently in it and see if I can get any higher on the fsb speed than before, but it might just have been the proc crapping out because of the lack of lower multi's on the A7N8X without modding the proc. :( Then I'm going to pull the box down and take the nb cooler off and install a fan on it to help keep it cooled down.

After I see what it will do in this board, I'm going to try it in some older mobo's to see if they can boot and run with a Barton. I'll be trying it in my 8KHA+, KG7-R and K7T Turbo 2 boards, which all will sense Tbred B's OK but don't have an update for Barton. I'll be posting which ones work and which don't as I try them.:)


  • ClutchClutch North Carolina New
    edited June 2003
    Sweet, can't wait to hear the update. What fan you plan on using for your nb?
  • edited June 2003
    Not sure at this moment. I have some 50mm fans from some older heatsinks I'm thinking about trying to adapt to it. The one I'm looking at is an Evercool 50X15mm and I just looked it up on their site, puts out 14 cfm. I figure that should move enough air around the nb to cool it well, with all the case fans I have on that rig.
  • edited June 2003
    I ended up using a 40 X 15 mm fan on my nb I had bought for a spare; the 50mm fan was just too wide to use.

    My XP2500 came in an hour or so ago; it is a AQXDA 0314 MPMW stepping and week. So far, I have it up and folding at 185 X 11, for 2035 MHz at stock voltage. I'll continue to boost it up later today.
  • ClutchClutch North Carolina New
    edited June 2003
    Great news, be sure to keep us informed, and maybe some screens also.
  • edited June 2003
    One good thing out of this already; between the new bios and active cooling on the nb, I can now run a 200 fsb.:thumbsup: The highest I was ever able to run it before with the original 1001C or 1002b1 uber bios was 189 fsb. I'll let it fold a few more frames here then soo how much higher I can go with this proc.
  • edited June 2003
    I just finished testing at this speed, stock 1.65v vcore:
  • edited June 2003
    I just bumped it up to here. I had to bump vcore up to 1.7 volts to stabilize it so far. I have it folding a Gro WU right now, testing for stability. My temps are a little high too; I might have to pull the hsf off and reseat it again, Asus probe is showing 42 C folding, and that's a socket thermistor reading not a diode reading.

    Still, $93 for a proc that runs XP3200 speeds with very managable vcore voltage is nice.:)
  • GHoosdumGHoosdum Icrontian
    edited June 2003
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited June 2003
    Keep going with the FSB. I have seen better, even with 1700s.
  • edited June 2003
    I'll try a higher fsb later, first I want to find the procs limits. Remember that I don't know what the ceiling for this mobo will be as far as fsb is concerned because until I did the bios update and put active cooling on the nb, I couldn't even get this high. Also, the nb on this mobo is an A2 stepping, which is one of the earlier steppings so I don't think it will go a lot higher than 200 anyways. I'll find that out later though, after seeing what this proc will run at.:)
  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited June 2003
    Well lower multi and then go high with the FSB to find that limit. Lower it a few then up with the multi. Should be somewhere around that I would presume.
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