Harddrive Not Recognized!

edited March 2006 in Hardware
I recently had my computer crash, and I was working my newest harddrive when it did. When I rebooted and reinstalled everything to get it back to normal the only drive showing was the backup drive and not my new one, what should I do??? *about to kill computer....aaahhhh....*



  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited March 2006
    im confused....how many hard drives do you have? 2,3?

    what type of hard drive is it? ive had some trouble with maxtors in the past not showing up when i first installed them. I had to get some installation drivers or something.
  • edited March 2006
    I have 2 hard drives but as i said the newer one isn't being recognized, and this probably makes it worse but i don't know what kind they are, and they weren't just recently installed, this was like a year ago when i installed the newest one. :-(
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2006
    What does it say in the BIOS regarding hard drives?
  • edited March 2006
    If you say you've reinstalled everything you might want to check Windows Updates. I had a similar problem once after reinstalling everything and Windows wouldn't recognize my new hard drive. Fortunately, after installing the Service Pack 2, the drive was recognized, and all files were there. Hope this helps.
  • edited March 2006
    check your jumpers. and what prof. said

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