Wrong installation, im the one to blame !

GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
edited March 2006 in Folding@Home
Hello there ! i've dowloaded FAH502-Console.exe but the first time i execute it rigth from where i downloaded it (MyDocuments). Thats not where i was wanting it to be.

So since there's no 'uninstall' with that thing i've deleted all the files and installed it again from a 'Folding' directory. Now when i reboot i have 2 x FAH502-Console open when i look at my task manager. I suppose there should be just one and not two. Anyone know where the open-on-start-up are located ? I have win xp pro.

Is it normal that i don't see anything (no open window or tray icon) when im folding on reboot ? It would be nice if i could see the console window all the time. I don't even know how he can open the FAH502-Console two times on start-up, i deleted the old one in MyDocuments so i don't know why it's opened 2 times. If i can't see the window when it loads on startup i will install it and run it manually everytime. I don't like to have hidden thing running on my computer as i would like to have an eye on it somtimes.

So if there's a way to unistall it to install it from 'new' again or to fix this problem please tell me. Im not very good with console application :rolleyes2

I'll be folding right after i fix this, to be sure its folding the right way ;)



  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2006
    It's normal not to see anything running when using the console version. You can use a program like Electron Microscope (EMIII) to monitor your progress.

    As for killing the unwanted version, look in the Management Console and under Services just disable the one located in the wrong location. :)
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited March 2006
    Thankx !!!

    Fixed :D

    I am now folding :Rocker:

    17% of the process is done on my first protein , it will probably be done tonite :thumbsup:
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited March 2006
    Btw its nice to see how it works. Im folding and i couldnt notice it if i don't go in ctrl+alt+del to see the 100% usage of my cpu lol

    Its not rushing at all, i don't feel it work and i can even play WoW or do whatever i want while folding. I know that's what you were saying in some thread but i was not thinking it would be that smooth and friendly with every other applications i run :)
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2006
    The EMIII program I mentioned before is really nice for keeping track of things. It'll tell you how your progress is coming along and give you an estimated time to completion. If you have more than one computer on your LAN it can monitor all of them from a central location:
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited March 2006
    I will try this program tonite :)

    I have found that there's a little .txt in the folding directory that can tell me how much % of the job is done too :fold:
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2006
    GooD wrote:
    ...there's a little .txt in the folding directory that can tell me how much % of the job is done too :fold:
    That's what EMIII uses to show your progress. It also uses the time-per-frame to calculate the estimated time to completion. The graphical interface is way cool, too. :D
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited March 2006
    Btw i was wondering what will happen if when the job is completed at 100% im not connected to internet ? I have a PPPOE internet connection and im not 'always' connected.

    It will wait until i connect again ? Or i will have to stop (kill) the process and open it again manually once im connected to internet to send the files ? If its user friendly i suppose it would try again until im connected but im not sure its like that :p
  • profdlpprofdlp The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
    edited March 2006
    It usually will just hang on and send the finished work in as soon as you are connected. If you have trouble with that you can do the following:

    1) Make a shortcut to FAHxxx-console.exe
    2) Right-click the shortcut and left-click "Properties"
    3) In the "Target" box add -Send All at the end of the line. Note that there is a space before the -.
    4) Stop the FAH Service and double-click the Send All shortcut. This should force the WU to be turned in.
    5) Restart the FAH Service and keep on Folding. :clap:
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited March 2006
    Thankx for the clue ! :thumbsup:

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