Nvidia's 7900GTX

Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
edited April 2006 in Hardware
As the world of Graphics is spinning at mach 5000 we have seen some crazy things flying at us from both ATI and Nvidia. As it so has it ATI had finally trumped Nvidia after 1 ½ years of being in the side light with the ATI Radeon X1900XTX, but that line light was short lived. Now I will be honest and say I was very surprised with ATI’s release of the X1900XTX. I didn’t think after all hype ATI gave the X1800 series which equaled disappointment for me anyways, that the 1900 series was going to be able to pull it off. Well ATI did it they made an excellent piece of hardware to compete with Babe Ruth of Graphics cards the 7800GTX 512. But we all know the 7800GTX 512 wasn’t made to compete with the X1900 series that ATI eagerly rolled out. Nvidia had something else up its sleeve, the new Geforce 7900GTX 512 Nvidia’s newest flagship card that is here to play ball with ATI’s latest and greatest.

GeForce 7900 GTX
Graphics Bus Technology : PCI Express
Memory : 512MB
Memory Interface: 256-bit
Memory Bandwidth (GB/sec): 51.2
Fill Rate (Billion pixels/sec): 15.6
Vertices/Second (Millions): 1400
Pixels per clock (peak): 24
RAMDACs (MHz): 400

Nvidia’s new card was a bit of a shock to us when rumors were flowing around the different communities, the card sporting only 24 Pixel Pipes and core clock of 650MHz was what seemed to be a disappointment to the communities. As ATI’s new X1900 was sporting a touted 16(48 pixel Shader processors) and up to 700MHz Core Clock. Some said if Nvidia was to take back the crown they need to have at least the same pixel Shader and a core clock of 750MHz+. Well I am here to say they were wrong about it having to exceed the clock rating of the X1900 series.

Image Source: digi.163.com

Not only did Nvidia create a card that would meet the X1900XTX head on, but they beat the X1900 in both single slot solution and in SLI in 60% of the benchmarks. Not only have they created a card that runs faster, but they made a card that blows ATI away in power consumption and efficiency. If you haven’t heard the 7900GTX 512 is really a shrunk down version of its big brother the 7800GTX 512 what I mean by this is the core. The 7900GTX 512 is Nvidia first flagship card to use 90nm technology, what does this mean to you? It means we get to benefit from a cooler running card that uses less power that still provides us with a huge punch in graphic performance.

Nvidia has once again given us a reason to smile. Now take in mind the 7800GTX 512 was just released 6 months ago and even than was in limited quantities and charged a premium we all knew we would pay anyways. right?. But I have to look at both sides of the coin; ATI also has the shortest lived release in the history of graphics with their X1800 series. So I guess both sets of fanboys for Nvidia and ATI has something to be grumpy about. It isn’t easy spending $500~$600 per card every 9 months, and if you have SLI or Crossfire you're looking at $1000+ to acquire what is know as the dream machine.

So let’s face the facts that the Graphics world is now on a 9 month wheel and we the consumer will always want the best of the best. So for now we will be spending our hard earned money that we tuck away from our wives or girlfriends to gain these 18% to 33% increases in gaming performance.


  • deicistdeicist Manchester, UK
    edited March 2006
    So the 7900GTX is faster than the X1900XTX in some benchmarks, slower in others, runs a bit cooler and costs about the same... Considering that a year or 18 months ago Nvidia had the undisputed upper hand I'd say ATI have made quite a come back.
  • tmh88tmh88 Pittsburgh / Athens, OH
    edited March 2006
    I would get one, but I dont have money :( . I guess i'll have to wait til after college when i will hopefully have a job....4 years from now I'll be looking back and thinking the 7900GTX was a piece of crap, who knows what will be out then.
  • edited March 2006
    There's no doubt that the 7900 series is an exciting product release from Nvidia and IMO it puts them neck and neck with the X1900 series from ATI. IMO, neither is a clear performance king, but I will give Nvidia credit for coming out with a less power hungry solution than ATI, which rocks in my book. Either series, whether in single card or SLI/Crossfire implementation, should give a great gaming experience. Now if only Nvidia would come to some kind of agreement with Intel and implement SLI support on Intel chipsets too, like ATI has done with Crossfire.:scratch:
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    You know what I would like to see, Is a new Gen card that offered upto 50~80% performance gain. Sure I love these leaps but why don't these companies sit back and create something truely worth dropping $1200 on? I mean take the 7900 series and the X1900 series both companies are neck in neck. This is the perfect time to develop something out of this world. They can both make money off their current offerings... so Do it ATI & Nvidia I dare you to make something better :)
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited March 2006
    I definitely think that the lower power consumption of the 7900 series card is an awesome (and very welcome) enhancement. These top end cards are consuming a ridiculous amount of power, especially in crossfire/SLI. 260W (7900) vs 340 (x1900) is pretty impressive. Hopefully ATI will reduce their manufacturing process to follow suit.
  • primesuspectprimesuspect Beepin n' Boopin Detroit, MI Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    oh the days of the 9700pro..... when it was a completely out of this world performance increase (more in line with your 50-80% wish, sledge)... Do you guys remember how incredible that card was at the time?
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited March 2006
    oh the days of the 9700pro..... when it was a completely out of this world performance increase (more in line with your 50-80% wish, sledge)... Do you guys remember how incredible that card was at the time?

    Oh man, that card was just plain ridiculous when it hit the market :D Haven't seen anything quite that dramatic since. 6800Ultra was a pretty major jump, but probably in the 30-40% range from the 5950.
  • edited March 2006
    The gpu manufacturers are now starting to hit the same wall the the proc manufacturers hit a couple of years ago, regarding power and heat. Both companies top end vid cards now draw more power and release more heat than 70% of the processors being sold nowdays. About the only procs that are in the same league with the vid cards are the P4 Expensive Edition and Pentium D blast furnaces. Even an X2 or DC Opteron proc draws less power than either companies top end gpu nowdays.:eek3:
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    well I just got my 2nd 7900GTX 512, and I have to say I am very happy with the purchase... man these things scream!
  • jradminjradmin North Kackalaki
    edited March 2006
    My question is what's the real difference between the the GTX and GT other then the timings and the amount of GDDR3? They have already said its the same chip...so cant you OC the thing out to a GTX fairly easily?
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited March 2006
    jradmin wrote:
    My question is what's the real difference between the the GTX and GT other then the timings and the amount of GDDR3? They have already said its the same chip...so cant you OC the thing out to a GTX fairly easily?

    I'd imagine that nvidia has speed binned the cores a little higher for the GTX cards. The stock cooler for the GT is also puny compared to the GTX, so I'm guessing that'll need to be upgraded to really push the core. :)
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    jradmin wrote:
    So cant you OC the thing out to a GTX fairly easily?

    With the GT clocked at 450MHz Core you have a long leap to get to a GTX rating of 650MHz, along with the GTX can also OC pretty high as well. but if you look at this break down it should show you the 3 main differences... "look at the GT's bold ratings."

    7900 GTX:
    8 vertex pipes
    24 pixel pipes
    650 MHz core clock
    1600 MHz memory data rate
    512MB of memory on a 256bit bus

    7900 GT:
    8 vertex pipes
    24 pixel pipes
    450 MHz core clock
    1320 MHz memory data rate
    256MB of memory on a 256bit bus
  • jradminjradmin North Kackalaki
    edited March 2006
    Actually...the XFX GT card is clocked to 560/1650 out of the box. I'd say there's atleast another good 40mhz worth of OCing easily with an aftermarket heatsink.

    Seems to me like the biggest difference is the amount of GDDR onboard. I think if I needed a gig of GDDR3 I'd just build a quad SLI system with 4 OC'd GT's and spend that saved $1k on a FX60 chip.

    Here's a link to the XFX card on newegg.com: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16814150137

    Thats a 110mhz OC stock out of box with the super cheap hs/fan and 330mhz on the memory (one reviewer got his up to 1800).
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    XFX also has a 7900GTX that is clocked at 675MHz and EVGA has a 7900GTX at 690Mhz that is still quite a bit higher than the GT can ever get :)
  • edited March 2006
    Not to mention that OC'ing doesn't void your warranty on EVGA cards unlike XFX.
    Best bet is to get GT and overclock to GTX speeds with artic cooler right?

    jradmin - you could also use that 1k saved to get yourself a opty 170 OC'd to a fx-60 and use the extra $651-$50(cooler) to get yourself a 15krpm main HD and the cooler for your Video card + a trip to the strip club :necro:

    What cooler do you guys reccomend for OC'ing the 7900 GT?
    The XFX($349) comes at 550core and the EVGA($319) comes at 500core; why are they different?
    Besides the fact that eVGA's support is A+!
    They both should be able to OC to the same max speeds right?
  • jradminjradmin North Kackalaki
    edited March 2006


    Any of these should work good.

    It *may* be possiable to get the card OC'd over 650 on air just because of the fact that these companies can do it on the stock cooler.

    I think if your going to get it to 690 or more then your probably gonna need a liquid cooling solution. I definately see 650 - 675 as a real possiability for a GT on air.

    The difference between the cards is only the provider. They choose to OC it as much as they want, and my experience with any stock OC'd card means that there is always a hell of a lot more OCing room outside the box. They are both the same cores and they should in theory be able to get the same max speeds, however its rare that 2 cores will clock the exact same thing due to nature.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited April 2006
    The Inquirer Oc'ed a 7900GTX and did a report :)

  • jradminjradmin North Kackalaki
    edited April 2006
    Ya, thats pretty nice out of the box.

    It came out of the box at that speed though, it wasn't OC'd to that outside of the factory.
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited April 2006
    I just have to say I love my 7900GTX's :)
  • jradminjradmin North Kackalaki
    edited April 2006
    I'll be ordering my 2 GT's at the end of next week along with the parts to my GF's new comp. I'll post my OC on em. I already have 2 Zalman Fatal1ty coolers ready to pop on those bad boys and a 2nd AreoCool fan controler specifically for those two cards and the side fan that will be feeding them air.
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