nVidia Ousted From DirectX 10 Development?
Not quite news, as it's yet unsubstantiated, but considering nVidia's recent track record, this seems feasible:
Courtesy of Gearbox Software Forums
Nvidia's NV38 (along with the rest of the FX series) has been dubbed as a substandard card by the DX Development Team. This means that DX will not include NV in it's developement range for directx10. Team DX made the decision "as a favor to the graphics industry". Team DX claims that NV violated their partnership agreement by changing the DX9 code with their latest set of drivers as caught by Xbit labs recently. This violates the licensing agreement and conpromises DX's quality in order to make it seem as if ATi and NV cards alike display the same image quality (which would be really bad in this case).
We may start to see nvidia fade out. GOOD RIDDANCE IMHO for what they did with 3dfx. You know I baught a 3dfx voodoo5 for around 250$ right before 3dfx was ousted by nvidia. So no new drivers etc... I wqas basically raped by nvidia.
what comes around goes around you greedy bastards
If SIS don't step in before NV fade then we will all be paying £500 for graphics cards..........
Could someone please fill me in to what I'm missing here?
Well, it was from a forum.. Forums are a good place for improperness ( except here
NVidia has been developing DX-compliant cards since DX3 (remember the NV3, ie The Riva 128 & Riva 128ZX). I don't think the DirectX Development Team is going to kick NVidia out of the development circle because of what some online review site had to say (ie XBit Labs).
However, if this rumour has any substantiation to it, we may see NVidia sign on to produce advanced OpenGL cards...
LOL ...oh they're already there and on top actually. Well maybe not anymore this graph is kinda old.
I may need to get rid of them a little later on ...cadalyst is kinda funny about borrowing there stuff ...like you can't even post "your" results from "their" benchmarks.
I should have clarified my statement: NVidia may sign on and start to specialize in consumer OpenGL cards if they could no longer develop for DX.
Yeah I kinda thought that's what you meant really. It would be nice to have a professional performer on the market that does well at DX also ...I mean 3dlabs really sux at DX and if anyone complains about it in their forums they just reply with "THIS IS NOT A GAME CARD". So so many complaints.
When they were acquired by Creative Labs I thought that finally would have happend with a wildcatVP type of card but not.
Anyway ...make no mistake ...I love 3dlabs cards for what they are and what they do ...they do it well and perhaps the very best however ...I feel the need to DX now and then.
i think this is all just a big fat lie, what a hoax.....
Submitted by: Shorty
Source: [url=][/url]