Help me convince my wife to try gaming

We have just a shade over 3 months to convince my wife to at least try computer games to the point where she can stop by the SM LAN in January and hang out with me.
Her excuse: "I don't know how to play the games that you guys are playing"
My response: "Of all the games we'll be playing, the only one that I know how to play are First Person Shooters - and of those, UT is the only one I've played"
So, what does it take to get a girl to try a game?
I'll make her read this thread
Her excuse: "I don't know how to play the games that you guys are playing"
My response: "Of all the games we'll be playing, the only one that I know how to play are First Person Shooters - and of those, UT is the only one I've played"
So, what does it take to get a girl to try a game?
I'll make her read this thread

Some of us are coming over 3000 miles
We want to hang out with the woman who makes our primesuspect
If she doesn't play .. Il :bawling:
Here is what i did with Bente,
Gaming at first was a nogo for her, solitare MAYBE but that was it you know. Then i bought her one of those Puzzle Bobble games on the PS2 for her and she was addicted for life. Then i stepped up to Resident Evil and finally the Silent Hill series. But she refuse to play those games alone which i can understand.
The right game, and a big bribe.
hey it worked for me
Hey, at least your city is famous for the sauce
BDR: Exactly how much are we talking here?
It usually involves diamonds and other sparkly things.
Some fems just like cold hard cash though.
Seriously, you have to find a game that interests her.
No interest = no play.
I Know where NS is coming from, I haven't gamed for a long while becouse of no one to play with.
Prime, set a couple of games upp with shortcuts to the tutorials. Let her walk through them at her own pace without you 'coaching'. Maybe she will find one that is of interest to her.
My wife likes to come up to me in the evening while I am reading. She wil take off her shirt and rub her breasts in my face while she is talking to me about buying something very expensive for her. She calls it the booby trap.
and it works, doesn't it, edcentric ?
women == smart
Ditto. Kinda.. They play games... just not PC games :\ In fact, most people look down upon PC games where I hang out.
It's all going to be about finding a game that pulls her attention
//EDIT: I remember getting my ass kicked in Wolfenstein the first couple of times I play. The ORIGINAL wolfenstein.
Silly consolers...real games are for PC's
As for girl gamers, you could point her to that hot or not gamers site with the women listed, or find some girl clans (like qgirlz, pms, or similar). The Team Sportscast Network has several women casters like Trillian, DeeAy, and Blurry, and my quake3 clan leader is a woman too.
i know EXACTLY what prime is talkign about
as for u r real gf didnt like video games too much until i introduced her to soul caliber 2...that she loves to play...and thats pretty much it...women r strange folk...they dont lke giving nething new a try.....unless u get her drunk...thats always a good idea...HEY why dont we make this a sm lan party/drink fest?? who is with me?? lol
Yes, I fall into the 'booby trap' every time.
and we all know it was a japanese game
and on a serious note, my sister games, she loves RTS, she played StarCraft, Broodwar, Warcraft 2, and 3. and she also loves DDR.
s maybe ur wife can try some RTS, i think women are good with RTS, they got the managment skills.
This is no slight against women. This is one of those traits that can be traced back to Hunter/Gatherer days. Women make up for this with other skills that men don't have as much of (like color sense, and emotive communication)
With this in mind, introduce a woman to games that have static views, and don't require spacial visualisation first. Then come to terms with the fact that she'll probably NEVER want to play an FPS.
Also, along the same lines, women are better at games that require team work. Try getting her to play Co-op with you in a role playing game (like Diablo). Make sure that you do it in an environment where you can communicate vocally.
I have been through many a girlfriend and could get NONE of them to play video games. Most in fact considered the PC to be an enemy. I have gotten my current girlfriend to play quake III with me 1 time and she says its too intense. She gets too terrified when she sees me running at her with trusty rocket launcher in hand ready to splatter her corpse all over the walls
I have found its easiest to start them on consoles with games like crash bandicoot or NBA Streets vol 2.
This is a quality I have looked for in a female ever since I first became interested in females. I have come to the disappointing conclusion that said quality doesnt exist
So if you can convince her to play with ya, please let the rest of the world know how you did it.
Good luck!