What is convergence?
Since we have a whole new forum, with a whole new look at computing starting to take shape here I thought I'd take some time to go over what exactly we'll be covering here and what 'convergence' is. The dictionary defines convergence as 'coming together from different directions', and that's as good a place as any to start. In this forum the 'different directions' are going to be the world of computers and the world of lifestyle appliances, and the place we're trying to get to is a completely integrated computing environment in which computers are just another tool we use to watch videos, or listen to music or do one of a hundred other tasks. The end result will be a computer that doesn't look, sound or behave like a computer but still has the flexibility and power of a computer. Or to look at it another way, it will be a TV with the power of a computer behind it. Or a Hi-Fi with the power of a computer. Or a remote control with the power of a computer. Can you see a pattern developing? My basic mantra for judging if something belongs in this area is this:
If it's a computer doing non-computer related tasks, or another device doing computer related tasks it's in.
That's not really a very catchy mantra, but I think you can see the basic idea behind it. On a personal note, since I don't have unlimited funds to buy lots of equipment and test it all, a lot of the articles and posts you'll see from me will be theoretical ones, or 'this is what you can do' type articles rather than 'this is how this device performs' type articles. Having said that, I am interested in this area and do have several devices I can write about from personal experience so expect to see reviews and how-to articles about various bits and bobs.
If it's a computer doing non-computer related tasks, or another device doing computer related tasks it's in.
That's not really a very catchy mantra, but I think you can see the basic idea behind it. On a personal note, since I don't have unlimited funds to buy lots of equipment and test it all, a lot of the articles and posts you'll see from me will be theoretical ones, or 'this is what you can do' type articles rather than 'this is how this device performs' type articles. Having said that, I am interested in this area and do have several devices I can write about from personal experience so expect to see reviews and how-to articles about various bits and bobs.