Digital Content Wars - Cable Vs. Telephone @ The TechZone

LincLinc OwnerDetroit Icrontian
edited March 2006 in Science & Tech
A look at the war over digital content between the cable and telephone companies.
New Jersey isn't that big of a state that Alexander Graham Bell and David Sarnoff - two of the 20th Century's leading inventors, engineers and scientists - certainly must have bumped into each other periodically. If they had spent more time together and merged their respective laboratories in Murray Hill and Princeton we wouldn't have two content transport systems fighting over who is going to service our home today. But it didn't happen. Now there are too many people making a living with both men's inventions that it probably never will. It will just look similar. The Cable Guy and the Telephone Guy are both jockeying to be the bigger winner in delivering voice, data, video content to the home.
Source: The Tech Zone
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