slave drive?

edited March 2006 in Hardware
hey guys my comp came with a 40gb ad and i added a 120gb hd as a storage drive and i wanted to know if i can unplug my storage drive reformat my master and then plugmy slave drive back in without losing all of my data.


  • chevyfan1a4chevyfan1a4 Maine
    edited March 2006
    There is no need to disconnect your 120GB slave drive to reformat your 40GB. You will be given the option of which one you want to format. Simply choose your 40GB drive and format it. Your data on your 120GB slave drive will not be touched.
  • edited March 2006
    oh ok cool thanx chevyfan.
  • chevyfan1a4chevyfan1a4 Maine
    edited March 2006
    Welcome, good luck.
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