
GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
edited March 2006 in Folding@Home
I am not at home right now but i've gone to the f@h website to see my rank.

It's been 2 days since my computer don't look to 'fold' the same way... It seems to do another kind of job. No more XXXXXX of XXXXX completed when i do it in an opened dos window. Im not at home so i cant make a screenshot but it goes now like blablabla (1).... blablabla (2).... blablabla (3)... etc and it goes to as far as blablabla (350)

On the F@H website i can see i folded for Portugal@Folding (35271), i have 11 WU with them... so , wtf ? lol I never changed the team in the advanced options...

Anyone know what's going on ?

I'll check it out when i'll be at home to see if i can find why i don't fold for the team 93 anymore...


  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited March 2006
    Hum... this is weird... for the Portugal@Folding (35271) project i have a Date of last work unit of '2005-05-04 17:14:44', i only fold since 2 weeks or so hahah

    So maybe im still folding for the team after all... but this thing is weird, is it possible that i fold on the same name as someone else so we put our score on the same 'name' ? I guest so cuz it looks like someone in portugal already chose GooD as a nickname for folding lol
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited March 2006
    Just to cover a few basics of that link-

    FAH keeps track of ALL your points, no matter who you folded for. According to the link, you LAST folded a WU for team Portugal@Folding in May of last year. If you look or scroll a little further down, It shows you another set of statistics that shows that you ARE folding for Team Short Media. Your last WU was turned in 3/24- which is not unreasonable, but long enough ago to be suspicious.

    I've had console mode bork once (or my son inadvertently did)- it reset to Anonymous, Team 0 (or default). However, bogus information? Maybe overheating? Tell us more when you get home-
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited March 2006
    As for the different look, it is folding a different type of work unit.
    The each look a bit different.
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited March 2006
    Yeah i know that i was linked on 2 projects, and one of them is ok as it is Team 93. 3 WU is approx. ok as i don't fold 24/7 on my computer.

    In 2005 i was NOT FOLDING at all, so i guest it must be someone else who pick up my nickname, someone who doesnt seem to fold anymore, is it possible ? lol

    Last nite i have completed a batch of process that looks like 'blabla (1)...(2)... [...] blabla (350)', it took like 12 hours to get completed but i was not able to send the information back to the server after it, so i have let me computer up and running and that's why i've been on the f@h website today to see if it was uploaded finaly. This process of folding was NOT doing the same thing was the older one i've done, i am sure about it as it was not writing the same things in the dos window. But well maybe there's many kind of process for folding. Then i've saw this 'Portugal@Folding' project in the list and i was like 'wtf' :p So i wrote i thread here ;)

    My computer is not overheating, temp while folding never goes over 40C (i love my XP90C heatsink hah)
  • GooDGooD Quebec (CAN) Member
    edited March 2006
    edcentric wrote:
    As for the different look, it is folding a different type of work unit.
    The each look a bit different.

    Okay that's what i was thinking. So i guest its just that i took someone else nickname and so i have some WU done on an unknow portugese project :p

    I can live with it hah ;)
  • QeldromaQeldroma Arid ZoneAh Member
    edited March 2006
    GooD wrote:
    In 2005 i was NOT FOLDING at all, so i guest it must be someone else who pick up my nickname, someone who doesnt seem to fold anymore, is it possible ? lol
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