Finally started OCing for FAH

CammanCamman NEW! England Icrontian
edited October 2003 in Folding@Home
Well, being the cheapo newb that I am, I was always like "AHH I CANT OC MY PROCESSOR, I MIGHT BREAK IT" but, in the spirit of the Team 93 Blitz (hey! where'd that thread go? ;) ) I decided I shall start my attempt at OCing.

After messing with some stuff in my bios (I have basic knowledge of OCing, thats all) I got my AthlonXP 2100+ at 1.82ghz (140x13) but it seems that if I go any higher than 140mhz clock or 13x multi. the system will not boot, I assume it's a voltage thing (which I know NOTHING about changing), so I'm gonna try to search for some good OCing resources over the next few days to see if I can get this baby foldin' faster and not damage anything in the process!

Right now it's sitting very stable at 117 F under full CPU load (F@H running) so, I think I might be able to get a little bit more out of her. But anyway, I just like to let everyone in our great folding community know whats the latest and greatest in the Camman Folding Fleet for team 93! :D Have a good day everyone!


  • mmonninmmonnin Centreville, VA
    edited October 2003
    If you need more voltage then up the vcorea notch or 2. It wont hurt it at all.

    Try lowering the multi and raise the FSB if you can.

    What motherboard and RAM do you have?
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Which 2100 is it that you have? Tbred B? If so, 2 gigs is a piece of pai. Trust me. What memory do you have? 2700? 3000?
  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    Give us your system specs and we will give you enough advise to choke a horse, but not your CPU.
    It is just step by step. Don't rush things and don't take big jumps. Dont worry, it doesn't hurt much.
  • CammanCamman NEW! England Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    hehe, thanks guys. my mobo is a Soyo Dragon Ultra KT400
    the 2100 is a palomino I believe (Green PCB?) My ram isn't very great. I have a stick of Crucial 2100, and two sticks of Infineon 2100, I have a stick of Crucial 2700, but it's not in there right now, all sticks are 256mb
  • csimoncsimon Acadiana Icrontian
    edited October 2003
    try the two sticks of infineon alone ...otherwise you may run into stability issues. other than that like mmonin said.
    oh yeah and take your time and test it often memtest86 is a great memory tester.
  • JBJB Carlsbad, CA
    edited October 2003
    give the crucial a shot, i have Crucal PC2100(defalt 133) thats been running @ 166Mhz for the past 2 years no problems at all! Ive gotten as high as 190Mhz for a few hours, but i was worried about HD corruption so i backed it back down to 166, but the ram was stable as anything!
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