How Digital Signal Processing Works @ Digital Grabber News
OwnerDetroit Icrontian
Many people have no idea what Digital Signal Processing means, although they hear more and more often these words, today.
Source: Digital GrabberDigital Signal Processing is a method of improving the quality of the analog signals, only. Indeed, the naming used is rather improper, because it relates to all types of digital processing, only that the methods, and the techniques used in DSP deal only with signals that are analog in nature. In the digital signals case, we can only compress, encrypt, and translate them to other digital formats; these (different) procedures do not require any DSP techniques. Using the DSP name when referring to digital signals causes confusion.
The line "In the digital signals case, we can only compress, encrypt, and translate them to other digital formats" is strictly untrue. All of the processing is done on the digital signals, and none (other than ADC) is done on the analog signal. And if you're starting with an audio file (wav, cd, or otherwise), you never get the analog signal (until you play it), but you can sure as heck throw a filter on the signal.
But we're both arguing semantics, with opinions that differ only slightly, most likely due to having different teachers.
Why can't you consider a timed data sequence to be a signal?