sound without sound....... anyone?
hi. i'm fairly new to all this but i recently got a new system that was "custom made" for me. the system works fine except there is no sound coming from the onboard device (a Foxconn K7S741GXMG6L Skt A VGA Audio LAN MAXT with aries intergrated sound). the drivers have been installed, the system says all is ok.... but there is still nothing there. i have tested the speakers elswhere and they are fine. I have tried putting an actual pci sound card in there but it says that it cannot have more than 1 sound device running at the same time, so i uninstalled the onboard device only to have it re-install itself when i re-booted....... can anyone help because i'm stumbling around in the dark here....... many thanks.:banghead:
Look around for the on-board devices (may be called 'embedded devices' or something like that). Check the settings for the sound to make sure that it is enabled. Some MoBos have the on-board sound disabled by default.
Is there a reason that you aren't making the custom builder do the work?