Cannot encrypt a document
I would like to encrypt a document in WinXP SP2. But "Encrypt contents to secure data" attribute, in Properties-General tab-Advanced attribute, is grayed out, and I cannot encrypt the document.
I would truly appreciate if anyone would tell me how to enable the encryption feature.
I am awaiting your generous assistance!
I would truly appreciate if anyone would tell me how to enable the encryption feature.
I am awaiting your generous assistance!
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Home edition.
Must I alter to Pro in order to enable the feature?
Thank you.
2. The folder you're attempting to encrypt must be in your own personal folder. For example, if your name is bob, you must be encrypting a folder that is or that is contained within the below folder:
C:\Documents and Settings\Bob\
If not,.......EDITED
Secondly, the reason you can't do this is because XP home doesn't do EFS. You need pro for that.
Or could I convert with retaining the data without an extra hard drive?
If former, which brands would you recommend?
If latter, would you please teach me how to do so?
Thank you for your time and support!
Although partition magic has messed up sometimes a few times for myself and others, I would reccomend buying an external usb hard drive or a memory stick. How big is all the data you want to back up? You can buy 1gig usb flash sticks for reletively cheap($20-$30) and are easier than carrying around an external drive + a power connector. You don't get as much for your money buying a usb flash stick though. You can always back up to cds/dvds as well.
I would deeply appreciate if anyone would introduce me a recommended brand for external USB harddrive w/ 60GB or more.
Thank you very much!