Radeon 9200 Display Problem

edited April 2006 in Hardware
Hey guys, I'm having an extremely aggravating problem right now. Basically what happened was I was having some graphics-related issues with a game and decided to install new drivers for my card. [I have a TUL Corp Radeon 9200SE]
After i downloaded and installed the new drivers, the problems started. Where my computer used to run 1280x1024 on the screen perfectly fine, now it runs at larger than the screen, so that I have to pan around to see all of it. I tried rolling back the drivers, i even uninstalled them completely and reinstalled them, but to no avail. When the drivers are uninstalled I have the nearly as annoying issue of ridiculous artifacting. The drivers were the latest winxp catalyst set available, and nothing has gotten it back to normal. PLEASE HELP! thank you guys in advance.


  • edited April 2006
    anybody? I could really use some help =|
  • GrayFoxGrayFox /dev/urandom Member
    edited April 2006
    Install your monitors driver.
  • edited April 2006
    GrayFox wrote:
    Install your monitors driver.

    What exactly do you mean by that? My monitor didn't come with drivers, and I don't know what a monitors driver is.. just the graphics card drivers
  • KometeKomete Member
    edited April 2006
    drbadass wrote:
    What exactly do you mean by that? My monitor didn't come with drivers, and I don't know what a monitors driver is.. just the graphics card drivers

    Do a google search for your moniter name/model and driver. like I have a benq fp931.

    I think it's just a setting you need to check or uncheck personally.
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