Folder Problem
I seem to have a problem with one or two of my folders in My Pictures. The small thumbnail in the folder shows the picture that should be there, but when I open it, it shows a completely different picture of another JPEG (which is elsewhere in the folder) Does anyone know why this would be happening?
Turn on 'Show hidden files' in your advanced folder options.
In every folder that has thumbnailed pics, you will now find a semi-transparent file called 'thumbs'. This file contains the thubmnail allocation for that folder.
Delete that file.
It wont hurt anything. Next time you access that folder it will create a new copy of 'thumbs' and allocate a new set of thubmnails (hopefully the correct ones this time)
If that doesn't do it, let us know.
I recently burned JPEG' s to CD and then transferred them back to my comp.
Do you think it might have something to do with this? I was asked a question when I was burning the JPEG's. I cant remember exactly what the question was, but it was something to do with Thumbs db. I think the three choices were yes, no and skip. I cant remember what option i pressed but if it was the wrong option I pressed could this have somehow caused the corruption in my folder?
Sometimes, transfering files to a CD, than back again can cause those files to remain in 'read-only' format (and I suppose that could cause this problem, but I'm not sure how off the top of my head), but I don't think that it's indicative of any bigger problem, nor do I think you are in danger of loosing your files, so it's really not too much to be concerned about.
Personally, I turn off thumbnails because it wastes space of the drive to store those extra files (and they aren't that useful in my opinion).
I just remember what's in each file by it's name (or by activating each one