quicktime files not working properly...

edited April 2006 in Internet & Media
I recently went to a party and shot a bunch of clips of the party using my friends digital camera. When i downloaded the videos onto my computer and tried to play them, i kept getting errors.The only way to play them was to use a VLC player that I downloaded...now this is no problem for me, but i'd like to upload these files to a website and let everybody stream the videos and view them from the site, but not having a VLC player would make it impossible for people to go to the url and start streaming the video. So is there any way I could convert these files into real quicktime files or any other files that wouldn't require a VLC player?


  • DexterDexter Vancouver, BC Canada
    edited April 2006
    You need to find out what kind of CODEC the camera used to save the Quicktime files. A CODEC is the COmpressor / DECompressor algorithm used to make the video files, and there are several kinds of CODECs for Quicktime, several for AVI, etc. Once you know what CODEC it is, you just need to make sure that you have it installed on your PC, then convert the files to a more universal format.

    Post the camera specs and maybe we can determine it from there.

  • edited April 2006
    where exactly does it say that on the camera? Its was my friends camera who lives in SF, so its gonna be difficult lol. But thanks for the advice, i'll try my best.
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