How do I clear unwanted text from pictures?
Let's say I've just used Windows Movie Maker to take a picture from a video clip. Saved in either bmp or jpg format, but the catch is that it has credits, and I don't want that to be in the pic (I wanna make it into a wallpaper). Is there any way to remove it other than coloring over the text?
I recomend that, whatever graphics editing program you are using, you play around with the 'clone' tool, and see if you can get it to do what you need.
Alternatively, you could post the image here, and one of the guys who enjoys that sort of thing might volunteer to do it for fun. It's not something that anyone has to do, howevr, so don't be disapointed if no one takes you up on it...
See if you can find the DVD.
Many, not all, anime DVDs offer a 'special feature' called a 'text-free closing'. Often some of the neatest looking stuff shows up in the credits sequence, and they want to be able to show it off. Look up the DVD for this title, and see what the special features are.
there is alot of wallpapers that can be found already
heck I might have it myself