Recording Bass and Lead Guitar With DI Boxes

RichDRichD Essex, UK
edited April 2006 in Internet & Media
Hi Peeps,

Im after some advice about DI Boxes. I get the principal behind them and what they do but I have never used them in practice and was hoping someone here may have.

I want to plug my guitar directly into my PC, bypassing my amp, so that I can process the audio signal on my PC. Will I need to buy a pre-amp and a DI box or will the DI boost the signal out of my guitar up to either mic or line levels.

Also, are DI Boxes generic or would I need to buy a different one for a bass guitar.

I know it should be possible as I used to have a ZOOM fx box which had a line output on it. It broke!

If anyone has any recomendations of boxes that would be great. I'm not to bothered about a great quality sound as the signal will be very heavily processed on my PC.

Thanks All.
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