X1900XTX vs 7900GTX

MikeybobMikeybob Middle o' Farmer Land
edited April 2006 in Hardware
Sorry if this is a double post.

I'm toying with the idea of getting a new card. I already have an X800XT Plat. which is a stonking card for the price. Still, I'd like to get a card I can play games like Oblivion, and up coming games like ET QW, BF2012 etc with decent settings.

The cards in my mind at the moment are the two daddies: The ATi X1900XTX and the nVidia 7900GTX. I've read reviews, looked at some benchmarks (like the ones here at Digit-Life.com) and spoken to people too. Both cards are neck and neck and I'm serisouly looking for anything, even minute, to seperate them. One such thing is that all SLi mobos have nForce4 chips, whereas I haven't found a Crossfire mobo that does. What do the Crossfire mobos use?

Also, the X1900s brag 48 PPs, but I'm told they only really have 24 (like the 7900) though the card uses them differently... or something. Dunno, any light on this matter would also be helpful.

What I'm asking is for your personal preference and why. I'm really grateful to any feedback. Thanks :)


  • edited April 2006
    As you have already stated, both cards are pretty much neck and neck as far as performance goes, with the 7900GTX winning in some games and the X1900XTX winning in others, so it really comes down to 3 factors. 1. Personal preference. 2. Motherboard chipset. 3. Ability to tolerate noise.

    1. Personal preference-pretty much self-explanatory. Some people are really biased about their GPU. Some people hate Nvidia, so they love ATI and for others it is totally opposite. And there are also many folks (like me) who don't favor one company's product over the other because both make quality product.

    2. If you are going for a single card solution, then the chipset doesn't matter because either the NF4 or R580 chipsets will run a single card from either company just fine. It's when you decide to go SLI/Crossfire where chipsets matter greatly. For Nvidia, only Nvidia based chipsets will let Nvidia based video cards run in SLI mode. On the ATI side, the ATI based chipset boards with 2 pci-e 16X slots and also some Intel chipset based boards with 2 pci-16X slots can run in Crossfire mode. As for ATI chipset boards and Crossfire, they are now readily available from manufacturers such as Asus and DFI.

    3. This is a telling factor right now and in my opinion, must have a lot of weight in your decision if you are sensitive to noise. As it stands now, the 7900 series consumes a bit less power than the X1900 series and Nvidia's stock cooling solution is definitely much quieter than the stock ATI solution. But if you plan to do watercooling, this noise advantage can be nullified with watercooling the GPU with either vid card series and both will see much lower temps with watercooling, leading to better overclocks (if you overclock the GPU) and longer life.

    Of course if you want to go either SLI or Crossfire, you are going to have to get a very high end psu for your machine as both the 7900 and X1900 are real power hogs and need lots of amps.
  • NiGHTSNiGHTS San Diego Icrontian
    edited April 2006
    [H]ard|OCP just did a review of this exact question you're asking, ...at least damn near close to it. Take a look, it would appear the X1900 does a bit more than the 7900 does in Oblivion, at least; even making the X1800 appear to be a better choice over both the above due to its lower price. They explain some of the questions you're asking throughout the article too, its a pretty good read.

  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited April 2006
    7900GTX baby! just not BFG :)
  • MikeybobMikeybob Middle o' Farmer Land
    edited April 2006
    Thanks for the input guys. I'll finish reading that review tomorrow, thought it does shed a lot of light on the subject. Thanks for that link, I reccoment others in the same boat to read it too.

    Just another quick question. Reading down the speclist of the X1900XTX and ""XT, the only noticeable difference is that the XTX's GPU is 25mhz faster and the memory clock speed is only 50mhz faster. I wouldn't have thought this made a lot of difference, but XTX is flying off the shelves. Am I missing something?
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited April 2006
    I'm going with an X1900XTX because it's faster than the 7900GTX in the games I play.
  • TheLostSwedeTheLostSwede Trondheim, Norway Icrontian
    edited April 2006
    I have to agree with Thrax here even though i haven't used a X1900 yet. But this is in a one-card setup only as the ATI's power drawing is incredible. AA+HDR in combination is really a nice feature on the X1900. If you can live with the noise and heat, the ATI is the way to go. The 7900 GTX is near silent though and doesn't draw nearly as much power.

    However, none of these cards is of no use if you haven't a monitor capable of producing a resolution of at least 1600X1200.
  • deicistdeicist Manchester, UK
    edited April 2006
    Get the X1900XT, not the XTX. the XTX is the same card but clocked a little higher, and the performance difference (in my opinion) nowhere near justifies the extra cost. I bought an XT a couple of months ago and couldn't be happier.
  • MikeybobMikeybob Middle o' Farmer Land
    edited April 2006
    My friend just showed me this power comsumption table from AnandTech.com. Is this truly what the X1900XT eats up? I mean, 297W!? That's unreal. My X800XT uses, like, 70W tops.

    Are they testing two of these cards at a time on Crossfire/SLi or something?

    P.S. Thanks for posting that review, Sledgehammer70. Though it seems heavily biased towards nVidia, it still brings up some important points.
  • edited April 2006
    They are measuring the power draw of the whole rig, not just the video card. But it is a good indicator of just how much power the video cards actually draw,since the base system is staying the same with the AMD setups, just changing the video card and mobo.
  • MikeybobMikeybob Middle o' Farmer Land
    edited April 2006
    OK, one last question. Thanks for everyone's helpfulness and patience.

    I was going to plump for the Sapphire X1900XT, but my friend suggested HiS. Does anyone have any experience with HiS? He said they run better and cooler, but to me all the cards look like they have the same spec and the same heatsink. Does anyone know anything about this?

    Thanks again :)

    P.S. I was looking at the Sapphire PURE RD580 CrossFire Advantage mobo. It seems the best value Crossfire mobo I can find. My only doubt is that I have never heard of Sapphire's motherboards until now. Does anyone have any info on this?
  • edited April 2006
    Not really, but I looked at Newegg and that mobo is still using the ATI southbridge, which I heard has issues.
  • MikeybobMikeybob Middle o' Farmer Land
    edited April 2006
    Yeah, I decided to fork out the extra £20 - £30 for the Asus Crossfire mobo. I've always used Asus, and this Asus board has got some good reviews. Just annoying IDE placement :P
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