Future Of Handheld Gaming: GoForce 5500 @ Legit Reviews

Legit Reviews writes about its find at CTIA Wireless 2006
Source: Legit ReviewsNVIDIA had their latest mobile graphics processor, the GoForce 5500, running a number of heavy 3d applications on an ARM11 development platform powered by one of Freescale’s i.MX31 applications processors . NVIDIA was able to run their GoForce 5500 on this platform and got Quake III Arena running between 28-35 frames per second at a VGA resolution of 1024x786. NVIDIA informed us if they ran the demo in XGA that the frames per second would decrease to around ~22FPS
Anyways, good news for people like me that want power like that in a tiny package. That sounds really good to be honest as I doubt in a PDA or whatever you're not going to want anything like Quake 3 or better for normal uses (considering the screen size and 1024x768 would also be excessive for the size of a normal PDA screen size). But yeah, nice.