Google Unhappy With IE7 Search Default
The Holy City Of Westlake, Ohio
Is Microsoft stacking the deck in its favor?
Source: Fox News
How is one "assigned" a "preference"?The next version of Internet Explorer, available now in test form, includes a box in the corner that lets people perform an Internet search without going to a separate Web page, much like what's available from Google's downloadable "toolbar."
Users who download IE 7 will be assigned a search engine preference based on the AutoSearch function from the previous version of IE, which is likely to be MSN Search.
Source: Fox News
LOVE IT! It's smooth, fast and the tabbed windows are great..
I set Google as my default search engine... guess Google is scared some might leave the default MSN search engine....
If I were to buy a Chevrolet I would expect it to come with Chevy floormats. It would be obvious by casual examination what they were and if I wanted something different I'd just go out and buy them, with no fear that the car was going to suddenly start acting quirky as a result of the change.
Lots of people are either afraid of making changes to software, don't know how, or don't even know that it is possible to begin with. For Joe Average, the way it works at the beginning is the way it's going to stay, at least until someone who knows better comes along and straightens them out.
I agree,
I've seen enough machines owned by "Joe Average" that other than the files they added, (along with assorted viri, spyware/adware/malware) the software configuration was just as they received it from the retailer/manufacturer. Most of them never even update the OS....