Help me prevent random shut downs

edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
edited June 2003 in Hardware
One of my folding rigs had been shutting itself down at random intervals. Everthing is still powered, but black screen. I figured it was related to the KT7 mobo, it often required multiple boots.

So now, I kept the hdd, vid (diamond S3 PCI) and PSU. I replaced the mobo (KT7A non r), cpu (XP1600) and memory. The mobo and mem had been running stable with diff set up.

This box is on a KVM with my other folder. Sometimes the fans are running, everthing is cold and the screen is black. It just ran for 6 days, before that it was 4 days. I am running w2k.

So do I replace the psu ro the video card? I don't have a spare for either so it will involve a purchase.

Help me, I need the work units:halfcog: :halfcog:


  • ClutchClutch North Carolina New
    edited June 2003
    Do you get any bsod's? or does it just shut down at random times? I would suspect the powersupply. How big is the one you are running?
  • TekGamerTekGamer Earth
    edited June 2003
    Sounds like hibernation to me. If everything is still powered and your not getting any BSODs and you only loose monitor its def. hibernation or sleep mode of some type.

    Have you tried disabling sleep and hybernation modes in xp and hybernation mode in the bios (IE suspend)???

  • edcentricedcentric near Milwaukee, Wisconsin Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    Tonight the bios and PSU will get the once over.
    No BSOD's.
    I hadn't even thought of hibernation.
  • jj Sterling Heights, MI Icrontian
    edited June 2003
    DO this Test. Remove the KVM from the system. IE just run one machine. See if the monitor stays on. Inside a KVM is a popular micrcontroller that has a sleep option. Most designers use that option to save power. It will wake back up once you switch the between PC's.
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