Help me prevent random shut downs
One of my folding rigs had been shutting itself down at random intervals. Everthing is still powered, but black screen. I figured it was related to the KT7 mobo, it often required multiple boots.
So now, I kept the hdd, vid (diamond S3 PCI) and PSU. I replaced the mobo (KT7A non r), cpu (XP1600) and memory. The mobo and mem had been running stable with diff set up.
This box is on a KVM with my other folder. Sometimes the fans are running, everthing is cold and the screen is black. It just ran for 6 days, before that it was 4 days. I am running w2k.
So do I replace the psu ro the video card? I don't have a spare for either so it will involve a purchase.
Help me, I need the work units:halfcog: :halfcog:
So now, I kept the hdd, vid (diamond S3 PCI) and PSU. I replaced the mobo (KT7A non r), cpu (XP1600) and memory. The mobo and mem had been running stable with diff set up.
This box is on a KVM with my other folder. Sometimes the fans are running, everthing is cold and the screen is black. It just ran for 6 days, before that it was 4 days. I am running w2k.
So do I replace the psu ro the video card? I don't have a spare for either so it will involve a purchase.
Help me, I need the work units:halfcog: :halfcog:
Have you tried disabling sleep and hybernation modes in xp and hybernation mode in the bios (IE suspend)???
No BSOD's.
I hadn't even thought of hibernation.