Serious Sam I/II stolen or not?
Was Serious Sam I or II stolen from the developers or not?
I believe I read about it when it was due to be released.
Something concerning an open FTP server.
Somebody downloaded the entire game.
Am I making this up or what?
I believe it was big news around then.
I cannot find anything about it, in my searches though.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
I believe I read about it when it was due to be released.
Something concerning an open FTP server.
Somebody downloaded the entire game.
Am I making this up or what?
I believe it was big news around then.
I cannot find anything about it, in my searches though.
Please correct me if I am wrong.
IT was indeed HL2.
To many Tuborg lately?
That what started this in my head.
I do know that Serious Sam I/II are not exactly new games.
I believe I read something about one of the two games being stolen from the developer.
Of course this thing did not happen yesterday.
And no I have not been drinking too much.
Serious Sam: The First Encounter and Serious Sam: Second Encounter.
It seems that the story I read a while ago wasn't reliable.
You guys haven't heard of it i reckon.
Or maybe you guys just didn't see it.