For first time attendees, please post your real first name, and if you want something other than your avatar on the badge, post the pic of what you want on there.
I always know my avatar is getting stale when LAN time rolls around... that's when I know it's time to get a new Spike. I intend to have a record of all my avatars on my SM LAN badges.
For first time attendees, please post your real first name, and if you want something other than your avatar on the badge, post the pic of what you want on there.
I want GIR on mine. Want me to scale the attached down?
Name: Sledge... "that should do"
My avatar is fine and the name "Quinton" like the first 2 LAN's...
Name: Mat
As if no one knows by now.
I'd prefer my avatar while its facing forward
Let me see if I can get Bullwinkle's ballcap back on my avatar.
You silly wabbit.
The Cleveland Indians suck right now...
(It's just a joke, bloke. )
R/N: Drew Beckett
oh man, i remember when i bought that opteron!!
the good ol days
Real Name: David
Picture: Current Avatar
pic: current one i guess
Avatar: Maybe a classic of mine
(use frame with the most booty exposure )