ATI RADEON 9800 PRO acting funky

edited May 2006 in Hardware
Hello forum members

I bought my graphics card about a year ago and everything was working fine. A while ago I bought a new TV and installed a Omega driver to use it better with my PC. A while later I started havin artefacts on the screen while playin. Videos, still pictures and OS still working smooth.

I did the obvious thing and updated back to newest native driver Catalyst 6.4. With that none of the games even lauches (my presious Empire at war told me I have insuffient 3D power=) I swithed bact to Omega for now but this really bothers me.

The artefacts go in straight lines across the screen and I noticed that antialising have so effect on it. Without AL:sing my screen looks like a chess board gone Star Wars. And with AL:sing x4 I have lines in my monitor.

The card is surprisingly still on warranty (if that is the word meaning they have to take it back=). So if any of you have had similar problems with it please share. Im running with Codegen 300W PSU and the card is hot as Dantes inferno. OS is win XP servise pack 2 installed.


PS. nice forum´. Hope I can be more resourceful later:beer:


  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited May 2006
    It really sounds like the card is on its last legs. Usually artifacting of that nature indicates the card is about to deep six on you; my suggestion is to exercise your warranty. :)

    The 9800 Pros do indeed give the Divine Comedy's setting a run for its money, so you might try setting an upright floor fan next to your PC with the case open. This will cool things down mighty fine and see if the issue is heat-related. If this doesn't resolve it, it's time to RMA.
  • edited May 2006
    Thanks for your reply.

    That what I was affraid of. I´ll bring the card back and I widh they can give em a replacement right away. How am I supposed to live these summer weekends without a computer=)

    BTW what does RMA mean.

  • HawkHawk Fla Icrontian
    edited May 2006
    Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)
    Welcome to Short-Media Janip.
    One question here..... Have you checked the fan on the Radeon 9800 to make sure it's running?
    I had one overheat because the fan stopped on the video card.
    I removed it and purchased a video card cooler for it and all is fine.
  • Mt_GoatMt_Goat Head Cheezy Knob Pflugerville (north of Austin) Icrontian
    edited May 2006
    ATI's RMA department is very fast! Just go to their site and do a request. You will need to register your card if you haven't done so yet. It is no big deal. I have used their RMA servces twice in the past and both times total turn around was less than 2 weeks by shipping it to the with 'Second Day' shipping. :D
  • edited May 2006
    The card has a passive cooling so a malfunctioning fan can not be the problem. I noticed a heating problem soon after I bought the card and nowadays I don´t even know where my PC:s cover is. I ordered a VGA cooler but for some reason it never arrived (didn´t pay it) so part of the problen kind of falls on my lap. Still; a broken card is a broken card.

    I´ll return it to the store. It,s practically at the same building that I live in. I just REALLY, Really hope they can provide even some card for me to use while I wait my new card. I mean; who can honestly say nowadays that they can live without their computer=)


    Thanks for your responses.
  • lemonlimelemonlime Canada Member
    edited May 2006
    Hi Janip, welcome to Short-Media :cheers:

    One other thing to keep in mind: I've seen a lot of these types of issues as a result of power supply issues as well. Your Codgen 300W PSU may very well be part of the issue.

    Do you have any voltage/temperature monitoring software installed? Try Motherboard Monitor 5 if you don't. Let us know what your +12V, +5V and +3.3V readings are?
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