Sledgehammer70 wrote: so Prime and I are the only fatties?
QCH2002 wrote: ...I'm also big boned...
primesuspect wrote: That's DOUBLE fatty!
QCH2002 wrote: We still need shirt sizes... We only have 28 in the poll. Also, Please post the size too so we know who get what size. Thanks....
Cyclonite wrote: Do they shrink a lot? Uh oh. If they have yet to be ordered, change me to an XL. I'll edit my original post.
TheSmJ wrote: XL. These things shrink too much dangit!
You get the Tact Award for the day.
Just so you know, I don't even own a raincoat, much less a 1989 Ford Conversion Van.
*vogue pose*
Ocomik = XL
The exception would be if you happen to get a drivers license.