Boot Camp: Apple Bobs for Suckers?

Jim Louderback at PC Magazine offers his opinion of the new beta software from Apple Computer. Among the features with which he is less-than-impressed are things like design, performance, expandability and more. Oh, he mentions price, too.
In the mood to "Think Different"?
View: Apple Introduces Boot Camp
Download: Boot Camp Public Beta
Source: PC Magazine
Don't get too excited about the whole Mac/Windows dual-boot thing. Although a wide range of starry-eyed experts — including some in our very own lab — have lauded Boot Camp (aka BC) in tones not heard since the days of OS/2, it's really nothing to get excited about. Here are my top reasons why —at least to real computer users — "Boot Chump" is a snore.

In the mood to "Think Different"?
View: Apple Introduces Boot Camp
Download: Boot Camp Public Beta
Source: PC Magazine
The article is essentially Apple bashing (which I personally don't have a problem with because I hate Apple). However, you cannot objectively deny what Boot Camp represents. I've configured yaboot (New World Macintosh loader for Linux and Mac OS) for multi-booting and grub (PC loader for Linux, can chainload other bootloaders e.g. NTloader) and I can tell you right now that getting dual booting to work is a royal p.i.t.a. That Apple freely provides such a utility and makes it user-friendly is mind-boggling. To put this in perspective, this is the same as if Microsoft offered Linux booting in NTloader as a supported option or if MS offered Google integration with their OS for searching, maps & directions, etc.
OT: Just for the record, this was one of those items chosen purely because the article seemed interesting. Your humble News poster didn't necessarily agree with everything the author wrote.