ActionScript help!

iHatePopUpsiHatePopUps Singapore
edited May 2006 in Internet & Media
Ok, here's a problem that has got me pretty beat. I'm making a Flash movieclip animate from left to right and vice versa (think a scrolling pic gallery) when a mouse 'Rollsover' a certain area in my file, and i've got the 'scrolling' effects to work. Problem is, whenever it scrolls to the left, it will scroll all the way back to frame 1 of the layer, which is not what I want. I'm trying to make it stop scrolling when my mouse 'rolls out' of the detection area. I've plucked the following code from a website, and currently trying to change it to accomplish this. Hope someone can help. Here's the code:



var totalFrame = pics_mc._totalframes;

scrollarealeft.onRollOver = function()

pics_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
if (pics_mc._currentframe>1) {

if (pics_mc._currentframe == 1){
pics_mc._currentframe = 1;
else {
delete this.onEnterFrame;


scrollarealeft.onRollOut = function(){
delete this.onEnterFrame;

scrollarealeft.onRollOut = function()
dunstopMe = false;

scrollarearight.onRollOver = function()
pics_mc.gotoAndPlay(pics_mc._currentframe + 1);

if (pics_mc._currentframe == totalFrame){
pics_mc._currentframe =totalFrame;

scrollarearight.onRollOut = function()

I know i've gotta get rid of that "if (pics_mc._currentframe>1)" section as it will loop until the frame number is 1, but how should i modify it?

any help and/or advice to modify or change the code will be much appreciated. Also, if there's an easier way to do this, I'd love to know too.


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