Hidden and Dangerous and Expansion Pack for free download
Take 2 are giving away the original H+D game along with the expansion pack FREE. Yep, thats right, the whole dam game for freedownload.
More info (and soon the file itself) at http://www.icronticgames.com/index.php?location=4&&articleid=501
Its on Gigex and Fileplanet now I believe, as soon as we have it, we can post and host ourselves.
More info (and soon the file itself) at http://www.icronticgames.com/index.php?location=4&&articleid=501
Its on Gigex and Fileplanet now I believe, as soon as we have it, we can post and host ourselves.
Wont be impressed if it is the Deluxe version because I only bought it a little while back.
Well, I mean more not happy than I normally am.
Werd...been playing the game for a couple of days now, I haven't really noticed any bugs. The control is a little stiff and awkward at times but otherwise the game is pretty enjoyable.