Can't send results.

botheredbothered Manchester UK
edited May 2006 in Folding@Home
Hi all,
One of our PCs is having trouble sending the results for one completed WU. The log says,
+ Attempting to send results
[05:10:58] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[05:10:58] (
[05:10:58] - Error: Could not transmit unit 02 (completed April 29) to work server.

[05:10:58] + Attempting to send results
[05:10:59] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
[05:10:59] (
[05:10:59] Could not transmit unit 02 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
[05:10:59] + Closed connections.

This WU was completed back in April: the PC has done others since and sent the results in ok so I presume it's the WU and not the servers. In fact it finished one an hour ago and sent that in with no problem then failed to send the above again. Is this WU (02) lost? Where is the 'queue' so I can delete it? Should I delete it?


  • EssoEsso Stockholm, Sweden
    edited May 2006
    I can ping, please make sure your FW is not blocking the request.

    Don't through it away ...

    Lets see, there is one option you might use to send it in (make an copy of the FH working directory first)

    Command: FAH504-Console.exe -send 2

    See Folding@Home Console Client: User Guide for more information.

    What do you say folks, will this work ?
  • botheredbothered Manchester UK
    edited May 2006
    Cheers but, I'd already checked that both servers were online. I doubt it's anything to do with my firewall as all previous WUs, and later ones, are going out ok, it's just this one from April.
    This morning the logs says this -

    [20:24:05] + Attempting to send results
    [20:24:05] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
    [20:24:05] (
    [20:24:05] - Error: Could not transmit unit 02 (completed April 29) to work server.

    [20:24:05] + Attempting to send results
    [20:24:06] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
    [20:24:06] (
    [20:24:06] Could not transmit unit 02 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
    [21:10:59] Writing local files
    [21:10:59] Completed 2000000 out of 20000000 steps (10)
    [22:34:34] Writing local files
    [22:34:34] Completed 2200000 out of 20000000 steps (11)
    [23:28:10] Writing local files
    [23:28:10] Completed 2400000 out of 20000000 steps (12)
    [00:21:43] Writing local files
    [00:21:43] Completed 2600000 out of 20000000 steps (13)
    [01:15:46] Writing local files
    [01:15:46] Completed 2800000 out of 20000000 steps (14)
    [02:09:17] Writing local files
    [02:09:17] Completed 3000000 out of 20000000 steps (15)

    [02:24:06] + Attempting to send results
    [02:24:07] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
    [02:24:07] (
    [02:24:07] - Error: Could not transmit unit 02 (completed April 29) to work server.

    [02:24:07] + Attempting to send results
    [02:24:08] + Could not connect to Work Server (results)
    [02:24:08] (
    [02:24:08] Could not transmit unit 02 to Collection server; keeping in queue.
    [03:02:45] Writing local files
    [03:02:45] Completed 3200000 out of 20000000 steps (16)
    [03:56:20] Writing local files
    [03:56:20] Completed 3400000 out of 20000000 steps (17)
    [04:50:03] Writing local files

    It's wasting time trying to send this WU in, time when it could be folding so I think I need to get rid of it.
  • EssoEsso Stockholm, Sweden
    edited May 2006
    I should had looked on your score first .. lol

    I would had handle this sproblem, this way.
    • Stop the current folding.
    • Add this flag to its setting parameters -oneunit.

    • Restart the folding. The current WU will stop when its done.
      Just calculate the time is finished the job.

    • Zip the FH working directory and send it to Standford, for checkup.
      If its okay you will receive the points, and I'm sure they appreciate it.

    • Then you delete the work directory in the FH working directory.

    • Remove the flag -oneunit, and then start folding again.
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