Primary drive 0 not found...again

edited May 2006 in Hardware
Hey there. I have a Dell, it's pretty new, a little less than 4 months old, (but about 3 weeks past its warrenty expiration, go fig) it was running fine until about a week ago when I turned it on and there was a double beep that usually doesn't happen, followed by the "Primary drive 0 not found, yadda yadda press F1 to continue, F2 for setup" bit appeared (as seen here --> ). Pressing F1 didn't do much more than make the computer beep at me and tell me to press F1 again, so I went into setup. ( -->

I went into boot sequence and was given two checkmarked options of "Boot from Hard disk (not specified)" and "Boot from CD". I have a feeling I should be able to change that not specified to my primary drive but I've yet to see a way to go about doing that. Anyways, I've found that just changing any setting then changing it back to what it originally was (i.e. changing auto to off and back to auto, or un checking then rechecking one of the options) then hitting esc and saving the changes causes it to boot up fine and run properly until the next time it decides not to boot properly (about every other time I try to turn it on, always preceeded by the double beep). I can only hope the drive is not dying since it's so new and seems to run fine once it's been pointlessly messed with. It was suggested to me that it may be a problem with the motherboard not properly saving the bios, but no one was quite sure as to what the real problem was so I was sent to ask the experts.

Any suggestions or info would be very welcomed, thanks.

On a slightly different subject I decided to attempt to backup my os (since for some reason Dell feels you don't need backup discs of your os or drivers), I went to Dell's support page and they give instructions on how to go about making a backup cd, the only problem is that the tool they send you to to do so doesn't seem to exist on my computer. (Click All Programs, Dell Accessories, and then Dell OS Recovery CD. ... whereas my computer only has "Driver Reset Tool and Express Service Code" under Dell Accessories) I don't know if anyone would have any idea why that is, it's not as pressing a matter as the boot up problem, but it'd still be nice to know. Thanks again.
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