Artifacts during game play.

edited May 2006 in Hardware
I have a 7600GT in a case with a 450W power supply that came with that case.
Sometimes when I run counterstrike source, everything is fine, but then once in a while when it loads up, there are blocks all misplaced on the screen. This is a fresh install of the o.s. and of the game. I also have another game that I tried to play on it to see what happens and I noticed the bottom of the screen flashes white. It's like a real small area, almost as if its near the start bar at the bottom of the desktop.

I am wondering if maybe the power supply does not have enough juice for this system. It has one sata drive, one 7600GT, one dvd burner, one dvd player. The motherboard is a A8N32-SLI DeluxeA8N32-SLI Deluxe and I don't have a 4pin molex plugged into the board because the manual says that that is only needed to be done when running two cards in SLI or if only using a 20 pin power supply.

I tried both the drivers that came with the card and the updated nvidia drivers. THe drivers that came with the card seem like they perform better. But thats a guess and maybe just some necessary info I needed to add.

I have a 24 pin power supply(450W), should I go ahead and plug in the 4 pin connector to the EZPlug on the board? WIll that help give the card more juice in case it needs it?

Or maybe I just need to get a bigger PSU?

Thanks in advance.

P.S. Well, maybe I was using the wrong driver for this card. I just found that nzone has a driver for this card. Is this the same driver used when downloading from the normal nvidia site?


  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited May 2006
    Blocks? It SOUNDS like a card issue, I'd imagine your PSU is powerful enough in terms of wattage, but I mean there is more to it than just wattage, amperage for example. But I'd imagine if it were power related your system would lock up or kill out alltogether.

    Driver issue... probably not that either, might wanna try a driver cleaner after uninstalling them, THEN install the new ones. The drivers you get from NVidia are WHQL Certified generally, and the ones from various other sites may be beta, altered, and some are WHQL as well. I use the ones from NVidia's site for my NVidia card, and Omega'a(Altered ATi drivers) for my ATi card.

    Do you happen to have any kind of spare video card you can test out? My guess is that the card is going out.
  • edited May 2006
    What is a driver cleaner?

    Got a link to one for the 6800Gt graphics card?
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited May 2006
    I am actually not to sure if NVidia has one, I just generally am able uninstall the drivers, and install them after rebooting a couple times just in case.
  • ThraxThrax 🐌 Austin, TX Icrontian
    edited May 2006
    1. Overheating
    2. Dying card.
    3. Lack of power.

    One, some or all of the above.
  • edited May 2006
    Well, it's brand new. I hope it's just a matter of not enough power. I just wanted to make sure I can go ahead and plug in the molex into the board without hurting it.
  • RWBRWB Icrontian
    edited May 2006
    If it is new and it is the card, then you should be able to RMA it... no?

    I would plug in the molex and see what happens... why would it be there if it doesn't get used?
  • edited May 2006
    I checked out the mb manufacturers website and it says that the extra power connection is for when you are only using a 20 pin power supply connector and decide to put in a second pci express card.

    I guess it couldn't hurt to try just in case. My psu does have the 24 pin connector so I was thinking I prolly shouldn't try to use the extra molex onboard.
  • edited May 2006
    Yeah. Plug in the connector and see if that fixes the problem.
  • GuyuteGuyute Gamehenge
    edited May 2006
    RWB- I have been curious about alternative drivers for my ATI 9200- are Omega reliable?
  • Sledgehammer70Sledgehammer70 California Icrontian
    edited May 2006
    For a 7600 a 300W PSU should be powerful enough. the 7600 chip isn't demading for power. I am willing to bet the plug int he board wont help either as it is only in place to ensure proper powe levels to 2 Graphic cards. Nvidia is smart as if you card is underpowered a box would pop up and tell you so.

    I would check all your settings, if you oC'ing the card put it back to stock, if you are still having issues take it back tio where you got it and get a new card, I bet there is just an issue with the card...
  • edited May 2006
    I think updated drivers solved the problem. There is a beta version that has a not about 7000 Series GT's.
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