Need Help With Sata Raid Driver Install

OKAY, so i have a Gigabyte Nforce4 SLI Series Motherboard and two hitachi deskstars with 80 gigs each and 7200rpm connected by SATA cables onto my motherboard.

When i try to install windows xp, it says "setup cannot detect the hard disk drives ect..." i surffed some forums to find that i had to download some kind of raid drivers for my raid 0 configuration and striping configuration or somethin, and hit f6 for 3rd party scli/SATA files, but i have had SOOO much trouble finding exactly what to do.

Basically, this is my first time building my computer, much less configuring one. so i really need help on knowing what files (AND WHERE) i have to download these files and which ones to put into the floppy disk.

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