Case Fans and an Aquarium
So, I have an idea that I need advice on. I am building a tank stand for my 20 gallon saltwater fish tank. To cool the Power compact and Metal Halide lights in the enclosed hood, I was thinking of putting in either three 90mm or four 80mm fans.
Here are the questions:
1) For ~ 5 ft^3, would those fans be enough?
2) How would I go about powering them? They would be constantly running and not controlled by a thermometer. Is there a specific "case accessory" mpower supply I could get, or would I use a smaller ( > or = 200w or so) power suplly?
Here are the questions:
1) For ~ 5 ft^3, would those fans be enough?
2) How would I go about powering them? They would be constantly running and not controlled by a thermometer. Is there a specific "case accessory" mpower supply I could get, or would I use a smaller ( > or = 200w or so) power suplly?
I don't know if the fans would be enough. Metal halide lights really pump out the heat. Your best bet for power would be a robust 12V DC power brick. The fans would just need to be wired directly to its output. I think that would be less wasteful of power than using a computer PSU.
Just a tiny correction, those power bricks arent even 50% efficient. Computer PSU are upwards of 65%, BUT. Those fans might use at the most 3 or 4 watts. depeding. I'm not saying dont use it, actually, I am encouraging you to use it, because those power bricks are very small, and you are useing so little electricity it doesnt matter, it might cost you 2 or 3 cents a day to run it. And if you wanted to get fancy with it, you could wire up a resistor, thermistor, and a relay and a few other componets so that the fans only turn on when the heat reaches a certain temperature.
MPJA AC fans link
All Electronics AC fans link
Okay, I see an 80 mm ac fan, but im not paying $14 for it.:wow2:
And how would I wire up a temp regulated switch?
plus, I think I could run it off a 110V - 12V converter. I THINK. Is that right?
Second, I might end up having to get a chiller unit to lower the temperature of the water, but I still think the fans neccessary.
Third, Will that one fan controller turns the fans on and off at a certain temperature? I couldn't tell. As far as throttle control, if the fans went from off to max. revolutions, I'd be okay with that.
Say that the temp setting was 75F. The fans ran all through the time that the lights heated the hood until after the lights shut off and the temp dropped below 75F again. Repeat...
Did any of that clear things up? Ask questions; give suggestions. It helps me all the better.
By the way, that's for all the help sorting this out so far.
If you find a controller with an auto mode, it will do just that.
I was talking to a comp sci TA that I had worked with in one of my aero eng. labs who is "90% sure" that is brother has one of the above that he'd sell to me.
I think this is has the general features I was looking for.
What do you think?