Constant rebuilding of mirrored set after reset

edited May 2006 in Science & Tech
Hi, i just registred, but been lurking around for a while... mainly cause this problem is driving me nuts and this is great place to get info.

Sorry for starting new topic, but problem is really weird and i hope you guys can help me.

Barton 2500+
ABIT NF-7S v2.0
2x Samsung SATA HDD 160GB
1x Maxtor HDD 80 GB

What is going on?
Well, i upgraded recentlly my comp with these Samsung HDDs and i am using them in RAID1 (mirroring) on ABIT NF-7S (as you prolly guessed).
Every damn time (sorry for language) i have to hit reset button (when system hangs up) RAID controller starts rebuilding mirrored set.

As you can guess, this is starting to really p** me off, cause no matter what the reason is (some game not working, bad DVD in DVD ROM.... _ANYTHING_) i have to go through rebuilding of damn RAID set.

Motherboard BIOS is version 27 (latest i could find) and SATA is 4.2.50.
Just before registering i found newer version here, but i would like to hear if anyone has any ideas what's going on, before flashing (again) BIOS.

It's not that i am against flashing BIOS, it's that only way to test it after is to start windows, hit reset and prey to god (and he isn't listening in my case)....
Since rebuilding of 160GB set takes lots of time, during which my comp is usually useless (if it runs in background... its damn slow, if i use "offline" option from RAID BIOS menu, then i can kiss my comp goodby for at least hour or more).

Hope i managed to describe my problem.
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