How do I make my Wireless Network Secure?
Greetings. I have a home office. I use a desktop computer with a cable modem to access the Internet, and a wireless router to connect 3 other laptops throughout the house equipped with wireless connection. Everything works just fine, but ...
How do I make this wireless connection secure?
I'm running XP-Pro
Belkin wireless router
If this is the wrong place to post, please point me in the right direction if you can. Thanks.
David Blacksmith
How do I make this wireless connection secure?
I'm running XP-Pro
Belkin wireless router
If this is the wrong place to post, please point me in the right direction if you can. Thanks.
David Blacksmith
There are other things than WEP as well, but I am not too familiar with them as I don't feel the real need for anything super strong for my home network.
It is illegal,
There is an need to protect your wireless network, because other people might use it for illegal activities.
Which in the end can bring the FBI or Police, home to your house.
as we know, this is not the case. if i choose to give my neighbors "free" wireless access from my unsecured router it is my choice and it is not illegal. this includes people driving close enough to get a signal.
now if some pervert uses this "free" access to break the law it is HE/SHE that is responsible. if someone shows up at your door inquiring about the open wifi network you are running and you somehow get in trouble, i suggest you go after the router manufacturers for even allowing a wifi device without security. a large payday would be in your future after you get out of jail.
And they say to enable WEP, that can be broke in 10 minutes. and MAC filtering doesnt do a whole lot. If someone want in, they are getting in. I didnt know about the evil-twin thing. That is something new to me.
You have a good point, but some of the big companies are starting to do just that, shipping out routers with pre configigured WEP keys which are printed on a sticker with the MAC address information. While working at Verizon the new modems with router capabilities would be this way, though they did still send out old modems without it - it's a transition. It's pretty serious now becuase of the amount of **** not having a secured wireless site can bring down on you.
At my new job it's not secured, but in order to get wireless access you must sign up.
I think the issue was more that it's illegal to use SOMEONE ELSES unsecured network (without their permission obviously) not to actually run one in the first place.