html coding help

edited October 2003 in Internet & Media
Hi, i have a question that i was wondering if someone could help me with. What i want to do it setup a menu in my webpage and i want to make it so when you click on a text link, it shows up some more thinks beneath that link you clicked. Does anyone know how to do this? thanks!


  • Park_7677Park_7677 Missouri Member
    edited October 2003
    What you're looking for is a Treeview. This will be written in JavaScirpt.

    A few options:

    2) Dynamic Drive's "Smart Folding Menu Tree"

    Good Luck :thumbsup:
  • edited October 2003
    thanks, i downloaded the treeview thing but i can't seem to get it to intergrate into the table that i want it to..... any ideas on how you do it... the instructions are not so great...

    is there no easier way of doing it?
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