Thank you Brian!

It takes a special personality to organize something as complicated as the Short-Media Lan and primesuspect has done it 3 years running. All I do are the nametags and it always kicks my ass. I can't imagine doing the logistics and planning needed to pull this thing off, I really can't.. What with the tent, keeping track of participants, flights, T-shirts, parcels, electrical needs, computer equipment, snuffy, mowing the lawn and the kids.. To be able to do this and still have time to maintain your own business AND the Short-Media website... My hat's off to you Brian! Seriously.. it takes patience, dedication, tolerance, generosity and love and you have all that in spades. Maybe there's something to this buddhist fad you're on...

Brian... you Rock!!! :headbange
Looking forward to it.
Did I mention he learned his tricks from me
No really Brian your doing a standup job... we love it all
Yeah, you know, it's so tough. I make such a sacrifice. I get to have an excuse to have a huge party with 30+ of my friends at least once a year, play games all night, drink, laugh, and cause general mayhem.. it's a rough life, I'll admit. I hate every single minute of it
Thank you guys, it means a lot to me
He mows the kids?? :wow2:
thanks for putting this together brian, top notch
Thanks for all you do for everyone here Brian!!!!!!!1!
I truly.....truly wish I could make to the LAN......... *Zuntar sulks
It reminds me of the bit in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" (the book, not the movie, you nitwit), where the construction foreman in charge of razing Arthur Dent's house keeps having visions of sweaty men, charging horses, and bloody warfare because he is a direct descendent of Ghengis Khan (unbeknownst to him, of course.) That's sort of how I feel when I look at that picture... Like I'm missing something important.....