Tabletop PC Screen Eases Teamwork

Tired of huddling around a small computer screen to work on a group project? Why not gather at a table instead?
For the past few years we have been seeing the computer world gradually adapting to the tools that human beings have been using for millennia. What could be more natural than getting together around the same table to work together?
A new technology from Mitsubishi Electric Corp. aims to make such collaboration easier by borrowing some ideas from a common piece of furniture: the table.
Mitsubishi's DiamondTouch displays a PC screen on a high-tech tabletop. People sitting around it use their fingers to create and manipulate projected virtual objects, with the system knowing whose fingers did what thanks to small currents of electricity that flow through the chairs.
[img] Screen.jpg[/img]
For the past few years we have been seeing the computer world gradually adapting to the tools that human beings have been using for millennia. What could be more natural than getting together around the same table to work together?
Isnt that a lame PS1 game with that skeleton guy?